Apps for wellbeing

I have exercised regularly for many years now, whilst also doing general tasks at speed. It now feels wrong to live life like that all the time.

Recently I have had surgery that meant I had to slow down. Slowing down was ok when I felt sore and tired, but as I recovered I found my head could do more than my body allowed it.

My starting point had to be walking and if I wanted to run and cycle again this was the place to begin. But walking alone felt really strange. I had no purpose and I felt odd.

The more I walked alone the easier it became, I stopped feeling silly, I started being mindful of what was around me, appreciating the swans and the autumn, the sun on my back and the peace of the river. But most of all I appreciated the town that I had grown up in, the walks I used to do as a child, the trees that have always been there, the route to the allotment where our father grew our vegetables.

Is Mindfulness the new buzz word?  maybe it is . I think it actually makes sense. If we focus on the moment, our head can clear of the chaos of yesterday or tomorrow. Just to stop thinking for minutes during a busy day can make all the difference, add deep breathing to the mix and watch the changes.

So what has this got to do with technology?

iPad apps that assist in all of this

Having been aware of mindfulness for some time now and randomly practising it in patches, I found  as soon as I was busy, when I most needed it, it was ignored as a way of life and became something I should fit in.

Then I found an app that meant I didnt forget, it notified me at the right time and helped me through the day to prioritise. The app is called Mindful. The free version is absolutely fine. There are in-app purchases available that offer you more than the basic app, should you wish to take it further.


Runkeeper monitors how far I walk, reminds me of previous routes and allows me to see a progression of improvement. This has kept me focused too, because I know how far is too far, I can plan my next walk based around previous walks. There are many apps that measure your speed and distance, runkeeper is just one of them.

What I think I appreciate most about runkeeper is the feedback reports I get from this app. It tells me when I have done well! That makes me feel good.

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